day z how to make crossbow arrow

Crossbow arrows are a craftable item in DayZ Standalone. They can be used by anyone, as long as they have a bow and the correct materials to make them. In order to craft an arrow, you need to find a Branch, which is a fairly common item in the game.

Get yourself a branch. The one shown here is broken off of a tree that I found in the woods. It’s very important that it’s not rotten or infected with fungus, otherwise it will fall apart when you try to use it for crafting.

Use your knife to cut off the end of the branch where there are no leaves or needles still attached to it. This is so that you’ll have a clean surface on which to put your tip material when you’re ready to make your crossbow arrow.

Now take your branch back into your inventory and open up your Crafting menu (usually by pressing “Q”). In here there is a section called “Arrows & Bolts” which contains all of the different types of arrows and bolts that can be made in DayZ Standalone including Crossbow Arrows!

day z how to make crossbow arrow

Find and cut down a large tree, making sure that it is a straight branch.

You can find one in the forest or use one from a tree that has been cut down already.

Cut off the branch with a hand saw or chainsaw. Make sure that you cut it down as close to where it meets the trunk as possible so that there is no wasted wood when you are shaping it into an arrow shaft.

Shave off all of the bark from the branch with a knife or axe, again being careful not to waste any wood. It’s okay if there are some rough edges, but try to make them smooth so that they don’t cause splintering when you’re using your new crossbow arrows later on. If they’re too big or sharp, file them down with sandpaper or use sandpaper grit papers on an electric sander until they’re smooth again.

Use a hatchet or splitting maul to split open one end of your branch into two sections approximately equal in width. This will become part of your arrow shaft’s nock end (the end where you place your bowstring).

Make a wood knife from small branches, by cutting it into a sharp edge.

Select two thin branches that are about 2 feet (60 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. They should be straight with no knots or curves in them.

Use your knife to shave off any bark from the ends of the branches. You don’t want this to get caught on anything when you shoot it from your crossbow.

Cut one end of each branch at an angle so that it will fit into the grooves in your crossbow’s bowstring. This may require some experimentation since every crossbow is different and has different grooves for its string. When you’ve found the right angle, carve out little notches along the sides of each branch so that it will fit snugly into the groove when you pull back on the bowstring. These notches should be about 1/8 inch (3 mm) deep and 1/4 inch (6 mm) wide at their widest point. Make sure they’re facing in opposite directions on each branch so that they’ll both fit into their respective grooves.

Carve your arrow using the wood knife.

In this step, you will carve the shaft of your arrow.

Take your wood knife and carve away at the end of your arrow until it is smooth and flat.

You may be able to just use your hands for this, but if not, use sandpaper to get rid of any rough spots.

Carve a notch in the end of your arrow where you want it to be split into two pieces. This notch should be about an inch long and about half an inch wide.

Use the axe to chop down some bamboo.

First, you will need to find a bamboo plant. Bamboo plants can be found in the mountains, or near water sources. To chop down bamboo, equip your axe and get close to the bamboo plant. Right click on the bamboo plant to chop it down.

Once you have chopped down some bamboo, you will need to craft it into arrows. Open up your inventory by pressing “I” on your keyboard or clicking on the backpack icon in the lower right hand corner of your screen. Then go to the crafting tab and use the “Crossbow Parts” icon. You should see two different types of Crossbow Parts: 1 Metal Wire and 1 Wood Plank. Use these two items together with your axe in order to create an Arrow Shaft.

Find and gather some feathers.

To make an arrow, you will need a feather and a stick. The feather is the projectile, while the stick is the shaft. You’ll need to combine these two items in your inventory, then select them to create an arrow.

The easiest way to get a feather is to kill a chicken. Chickens are common in most areas of Day Z, so they’re easy to find. You can also find them at farms or small villages, but they’re more likely to be in towns and cities. If you see any dead chickens lying around, check their bodies for feathers.

You’ll also need something sharp enough to cut through skin and muscle tissue without breaking or bending. This could be anything from a kitchen knife up to an axe or machete depending on how much damage you want it to do on impact with your target (and how much damage you can take from one hit yourself).

day z how to make crossbow arrow
day z how to make crossbow arrow

Use the backpack or vest to carry your materials.

In the lower right corner of the screen, you will see a small icon of a backpack or vest. Click on it and you will be given an option to equip it. You may need to buy or craft a backpack or vest in order to equip them, as well as arrows for your crossbow.

The backpack or vest can hold up to 20 items at once. This means that if you have 21 items in your inventory, one item will disappear when you equip your backpack or vest.

If you are a Day Z player then you will probably know how hard it is to get good weapons, especially one which is accurate and can be used in melee range. To solve this problem we made a guide on how to make a crossbow which can shoot arrows. In this guide we will cover the materials needed and how to craft them.

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