Why my arrow knock wont stay in crossbow string?

Ever since I got my new crossbow, I can’t seem to get the arrow to stay in the string. It keeps knocking out of the groove and falling to the ground. I’ve tried different ways of holding it and tightening the string, but nothing seems to work. What could be wrong?

Arrows are one of those things that can be really frustrating if you don’t know how to use them properly. Crossbows in particular can be quite tricky, as they use a bowstring instead of an arrow. In this article, we’re going to take a look at how arrows work, and how you can fix problems with your crossbow if they arise.

Why arrows knocked out of crossbow strings?

If you’re shooting your crossbow with arrows and the arrow knocks out of the string, there are a few things you can do to try and get it back in. Here are some tips:

-Check for loose screws or bolts on the crossbow. This can cause the bow to lose its tension, which will cause the arrow to knock out of the string. Tighten any loose screws or bolts if necessary.

-Make sure that the arrow is positioned correctly in the bowstring. Too far forward or too far back can cause it to knock out of the string. Aim for the center of the bowsstring where it meets the bow limbs.

-Tighten or loosen the quiver as needed. If the arrow is knocking out consistently, it may be because there’s not enough tension on the string. Quiver weight can also affect how much tension is put on a crossbow’s strings.

Why my arrow knock wont stay in crossbow string?

How to Adjust a Crossbow String

If you are having trouble with your crossbow’s arrow knock staying in the string, there is a simple solution. Simply adjust the string tension. This can be done by placing your fingers along the back of the bowstring, just behind the arrow knock, and gently pulling up on the string. If the knock is not staying in the string, you may need to slightly re-position the arrow knock.

If you’re having trouble getting your arrow to stay in the crossbow string, there are a few things you can do to adjust it. First, check to make sure the bow is properly tightened. Next, try slightly moving the nock point (the small metal peg that attaches the bowstring to the bow) up or down in the string. Finally, try adjusting the draw weight of the bow by using a weight wrench (available at most sporting goods stores) to pull or tighten the cable lock around the limb.

If your arrow knock won’t stay in crossbow string, there may be several things you can do to adjust it. The following list includes some simple steps and explanations for each:

1. Loosen the bowstring by turning the screw on the bottom of the bow grip. This will allow the string to move more freely. You may also need to loosen the arrow rest or nock.
2. Tighten the bowstring by turning the screw on the bottom of the bow grip. This will hold the string in place and prevent it from moving.
3. Place an arrow on the bowstring and pull back gently to check for accuracy. If it’s still not accurate, you may need to adjust the position of the arrow rest or nock on the bowstring.

Solutions to fix arrow knock out of crossbow strings

There are a few things that can be done to fix an arrow knock out of crossbow strings. The first is to make sure the bow is properly tuned. If the bow is not tuned correctly, the string will not hold the bow in place and the arrow will knock out. Second, make sure the arrow is not too heavy. Heavy arrows will cause the string to buckle and the arrow to knock out. Third, make sure the archer is using the correct size and weight of arrow. Finally, make sure there is no debris or mud on the string or bow face. This can cause friction and cause the arrow to knock out.

There are a few solutions to fixing an arrow knocking out of your crossbow string. If the knock is constant, it may be due to a poor fit between the bow and string. You can try re-stringing the bow by following the manufacturer’s instructions or by using a different type of string. If the knock is sporadic, it may be due to a poor release. To fix this, you’ll need to adjust your release settings.


I’m having trouble getting my arrow to stay in the crossbow string. I’ve tried everything, but it keeps coming loose. What can I do?

Arrows can be frustrating if you don’t know how to use them properly. Crossbows in particular can be quite tricky, as they use a bowstring instead of an arrow. In this article, we’ve covered how arrows work and some tips for fixing problems with your crossbow if they arise.

After reading this article, I now have a better understanding of the different factors that can affect an arrow’s knock. Additionally, I now know how to troubleshoot and fix the issue if it does occur. Hopefully this will help me get my arrow knock to stay in crossbow string more consistently!

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